This belt has it in for me.
I bought this beautiful tweed herringbone vest three years ago, when I was pregnant the first time. Since fastening it was not an option, I guessed at the size and kept it in my closet for a future un-pregnant state. When that time came around, I put it on, and could not understand the fit
at all. The top half fastened without a problem, but I had to tug and tug to even get the hooks on the bottom half near each other, much less fastened. I know I'm pear shaped, but
come on.
So it sat in my closet for a few years and I finally took it out this fall, determined to either alter it or donate it. That's when I realized that there was a belt looped in the back, holding the bottom half open. Duh. I took it out, and the vest magically and easily fastened (in fact, it's a size too big, but hey it works).
I loved wearing it to work for the extra warmth more than the look. But somewhere between the office and home in the evening the belt fell off ( it was loosely tied on), so now there's no belt. All part of its master plan. If you find a brown leather belt lying around, let me know, ok?
Blouse: Loft
Vest: Marshalls/ TJ Maxx
Pants: Loft
Shoes: DSW
Watch: Tourneau, husband