Monday, April 28, 2014

Third Time Around

This is the third time I have tried to post an outfit with this blouse.  For the first two tries I did not have a single decent photo.  This time I got one!  Come on, third time's a charm, right?

Blazer: TJ Maxx/ Marshall's
Blouse: Kohl's
Pants: Limited

Monday, April 21, 2014

Pink Panther

As I stated in my February Budget post, I have had a thing for pink lately.  My mom made me wear frilly dresses as a child, so I rebelled by wearing only pants and dark colors for decades until now.  Maybe it's me trying to get over the long winter but now it seems most of my recent purchases have been pink.  I mentioned some ambivalence about this blazer in my March Budget post.  When I picked it up the polyester material was a turn off, but I liked the way it looked on me.  And free is much cheaper than the pink blazer that Banana Republic carried last winter, the one I loved but wouldn't fit with the rest of my closet.  I tried this out last week at work, and I kept getting compliments all day so here it is:

Sorry didn't notice the wonky right sleeve

So for now it's a keeper.  I'll just try to stay away from flames!

Linking with Not Dead Yet Style

Blazer: Clothing Swap
Sweater: Gap
Skirt: Gap
Boots:  Etienne Aigner
Watch: Tourneau
Necklace: Gift, so sad you can't see it in the photos!

Monday, April 14, 2014

March Budget

Yes, I know. We're halfway through April.  What can I say, life happens.

I did pretty well in March.  I only bought one item- this gorgeous pair of flats:

I bought them from Amazon:  $29.99 +$10 shipping
(No commission, just the actual link, and I only see them in gold now).

My dear friend Karen also invited me to my first clothing swap.  It was so much fun!  I took a few clothes, but I had no intention of bringing any home.  I picked up five items, two of which have already made their way to the donate pile.  Since they were headed there anyway, I don't feel so bad. One was a printed drop waist blouse that just did not look good on me, and the other was a flounce scarf.  When I got home and tried it on, the word "jester" popped into my head, and there's no way I can wear it now.

I am keeping a brown corduroy blazer and navy polka blouse, which I wore together in a subsequent outfit. The fifth item, which I am on the fence about, is a polyester pink blazer.  It looks hideous by itself but the fit is actually pretty good, so we'll see.

Total spending for March:  Shoes $40