Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ooh La La

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Bonjour.  It seems stripes and scarves are both very French, at least according to all the guides on the web.  So I feel like I should be carrying a baguette in these photos, or sipping wine at the least. Nope, it's the usual, rushing out the door on my way to work.

    I am a bit of a Francophile; I started learning French in elementary school and continued throughout high school.  In college I spent three months in Strasbourg, and I went back another summer later on.  For those who may not be familiar, Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany, and has belonged to both countries, but is currently French.
    There's actually a book, Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris , written by an American exchange student in Paris.  I unfortunately did not have such a style education, if so I probably would not need this blog!  (Note: I have not read this book and get no commission for the link, it's just something I came across while on the web).

    I really wish I had paid more attention to street style there, but that was before I began people watching ( and to think, it wouldn't have been rude to stare there )!  To be honest, I just remember everyone wearing black all the time, but my first stint there was during the winter so that's not surprising. 
    Anyway, I did not set out trying to look French (whatever that includes) or any other nationality, but when I look at these photos that's what came to mind.  If any French women want to school me, I look forward to the information until I can get my hands on that book.  A bientot

Linking with Visible Monday

Turtleneck: Walmart
Dress: Kohls
Scarf: India, gift
Boots: Etienne Aigner Celina


  1. What a charming look - I love stripes any day! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. Your scarf is so gorgeous! I think it lends awesome color to your dress and could be so lovely on any number of neutrals.

    Asymmetrical pieces strike again! I love this piece. :D

  3. I think that is a lovely go-to-work outfit!!

  4. Given that you're a natural beauty, you could wear a bag, but you do look fetching and very French in your go-to-work choices. Good for you!
