Friday, October 18, 2013

Matchy Matchy

Isn't this a great blazer?  When I bought it my dear friend Supriti suggested I remove the sequins.  And I remember thinking, why would I do that?  I do like the sequins, but even though they are much sparer than on my other blouse (here) these feel much more obvious.  I hesitated to wear it to work, but I figured I could take off the blazer when I got there.  Then a couple of coworkers complimented it, so it stayed on.
The necklace comes with a matching bracelet.  I bought the set for my mom, knowing full well she wouldn't like it and I would get to keep it!  Devious, I know.  But it is the only time I have pulled that trick.
Now we come to the shoes.  My recent closet cleanout also involved going through my shoes (even though they are in a different closet; talk about dedication!).  I've had these for a long time, ten years or so, and as you can see they are in great shape.  Mainly because I have barely worn them.  For some reason I feel the need to match part of my outfit to these shoes, and I draw a complete blank coming up with other possibilities.  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I officially reverse my precious suggestion of removing the sequins! It was just a phase! I love sequins now :)
